2005-06 SP Authentic #97 Charlie Villanueva PATCH AU RC #/1299
2012-13 Select #297 Jae Crowder JSY AU RC #/399
2020-21 Crown Royale Crown Autographs #/99
Adrian Dantley 2007-08 Ultimate Collection Signatures #/50
Adrian Dantley 2011 Upper Deck SP Authentic By The Letter #BL-AD #/50
Adrian Dantley 2017-18 Immaculate Collection Marks of Greatness Autographs #/99
B.J. Armstrong 1996-97 Skybox Autographics
Bob Lanier 2019-20 Panini Revolution Autographs #27
Bryant Stith 1996-97 Skybox Autographics Blue
Caris LeVert 2023-24 Topps Chrome Autographs Gold Refractors #CGCL #/50