2019 East Coast National Sports Card Show - White Plains, NY
I'll be at the East Coast National Sports Card Show 2 out of the 3 days this year. Please see below for the details on my schedule, and note that I will ONLY have my booth set up ON SUNDAY.
Westchester County Center
198 Central Ave
White Plains NY. 10606
Friday August 16 - 12PM-6PM
I will be walking around trading and purchasing cards only. If there is a card or two you are interested in off of my site please email me ahead of time to arrange a meet up at the event!
Saturday August 17
I will not be at this show, instead I will be In Plainville, CT for my normal once a month residency there. If you are closer to Plainville, CT please join me at the VFW from 9am to 2pm
7 Northwest Drive
Plainville, CT
**Sunday August 18 - 9AM-4PM**
I will have a full booth set up. This will be my LARGEST DISPLAY EVER and will include everything from high-end inserts to $0.50 bargains. I will post my exact location on Friday. Most of the stuff you see on the site will be there with me, but if there is something specific you are looking for please let me know ahead of time so I can be sure to bring it for you!
The East Coast National is a 300 Table Sports Card and Memorabilia Show. It is the largest Sports Card Show OF THE YEAR in the Tri-State Area.
Hope to see you all for the East Coast National weekend in NY or CT!