Why I Don’t Grade Cards for My Personal Collection

Posted by Basketball Card Guy on

I get more questions about grading than anything else. But, I don't grade cards for my personal collection. In this video I showcase the reasons why. I also talk about the advantages and disadvantages of grading sports cards. I shows how people in the industry can create added value in cards simply by grading them and share the few instances in which I will pick up a graded card for my  collection.


Table of Contents:

0:26 - Introduction
0:52 - What is Grading?
1:40 - The Advantages of Grading
1:52 - Advantage #1: It Adds Value
2:27 - Flipping Cards
4:02 - Advantage #2: Consistency
4:25 - Advantage #3: Trusted Opinion
5:16 - Why I Don't Grade Cards for my PC
5:33 - Why I Don't Grade #1: It's Subjective
7:36 - Why I Don't Grade #2: Graders Miss a Lot
7:53 - Game Show: "Which is the Gem?"
9:18 - Why I Don't Grade #3: UV Protection
12:24 - Why I Don't Grade #4: It Costs Money
15:05 - Why I Don't Grade #5: Can Use The Money to Buy More Cards
16:18 - When I Do Buy Graded Cards
16:30 - When I Do #1: I Can't Find it Ungraded
16:49 - When I Do #2: Questioning Authenticity (Michael Jordan Rookie Cards etc.)
17:25 - When I Do #3: Condition Sensitive Sets
17:58 - WARNING: Inauthentic Patches Get Graded
18:45 - Patch Research
22:14 - Final Thoughts

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